Early this week, in London's Parliament Square, I found around 300 Tamil protesters which included children as young as 1 yrs old, young people, women; it was day four of their protest.
The demonstrators were calling for an end to what they say is a "Tamil genocide.”
The demonstrators were calling for an end to what they say is a "Tamil genocide.”
The protests, which started earlier in the week with a sit-in at Westminster Bridge and a smaller ongoing demonstration in Parliament Square, are intended to put pressure on the British government to intervene in the Sri Lankan conflict.
The demonstrators want Sri Lanka's former colonial ruler Britain to intervene with Colombo to protect the Tamil people, who they say are being targeted. Sri Lankans have also held protests in Norway, where dozens of Tamils blocked the entrance to the premier's office in Oslo, calling on the nation to act in its role as mediator in the conflict.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband has said he was "deeply" worried by reports of civilians being trapped by fighting in Sri Lanka, adding: "The need for a humanitarian ceasefire is now even more urgent."
The United Nations, meanwhile, warned on Tuesday that 100,000 civilians in Sri Lanka's war zone were at risk, with a top UN official expressing "deep concern" for the safety of Tamil non-combatants.Hundreds of Lion flags and placards made the event especially colourful and attractive.
The organisers urged the British government to force Tamil Tiger Terrorists to immediately release innocent Tamil civilians under their custody. Slogans shouted out included, “Tamil Tiger- Let our Tamil brothers and sisters go!, Stop holding them against their will!, Say, No to terrorist human shield, Tamil Tigers- Curse to humanity, Beware of false Tiger Terrorist propaganda and Tamil Tigers use human shield”. Peace loving Tamils who supported the event carried placards saying “All Tamils are not terrorists, Tamil Tigers- Stop genocide of Tamils, We Tamils oppose LTTE- Welcome democracy, Tamil Tigers- Stop hiding behind civilians, Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO)- British Tamil Forum (BTF): Don’t support Tamil Tigers to kill Tamils”.
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